Yes, there are times when I say to myself.. What the hell are you doing?!?! But the answer comes quickly to calm the … anxiety. I’ve decided to sell the home and venture off on a life long journey. I am not sailor, although I actually put out a feeler on going that direction, which is a story I suppose I will tell.. later. Right now the story is selling everything that isn’t nailed down, and getting the house ready to show to !!two!! interested FSBO buyers…
So.. Welcome to the Blog…. and website… I spent the $45 to lock down the domain name… and as with the YouTube name, I was pleasantly surprised that the chosen name was available…. and here it is. I imagine it will linger here for a bit, until I get more done and am closer to take off…
The plan is to sell the home, buy the RV, go get RV and bring back to home and load up with the remainder of my earthlies, or if the rig is to far away, maybe pack a container of sorts and send it out to meet me, but as I say.. I’ll make that decision down the road when I have to… no sense in fretting about it at this stage….
OMG have I got a lot to do….. so many Tshirts to throw away…
Oh yeah.. late start… when you spend most of your life pretending to be someone in order to be accepted and to get by, you.. you miss lot. I never got a chance to be me as such… nice to meet you me.